During pregnancy and childbirth, your body undergoes sudden hormonal changes which could ultimately cause excessive hair loss. The stages leading up from the delivery to the nursing of a newborn child can trigger a few other hormonal imbalances that bring about women’s hair thinning as a result. The lowering of estrogen levels throughout the entire body and a thyroid that is in over- or under-activity during pregnancy and childbirth are factors that result to excessive shedding of hair. These are merely possible genetic hormonal responses. Besides emotional stress and pains, there are other external-related factors, like certain medications that can also promote women’s premature hair loss.
Blood thinners, anti-depressants, thyroid medications, oral contraceptives, and fat-burning supplements have already been known to induce women’s excessive hair loss. Be leery about certain drugs and prescription medications. Simply knowing which drugs and prescriptions can hold any measure of uncomfortable side effects can help prevent and treat women’s hair thinning. While you consider the wide array of causes, it is wise to actually speak with your doctor first before you decide to stop taking any prescribed medications.
Being on the pill is really the most popular sort of birth control for females to date. But, is there any link to birth control to women’s thinning hair? Taking birth control pills is a medication and form of therapy which can cause your own body to undergo certain changes. If baldness does occur while you’re taking the pill, it’s good to talk with your gynecologist about switching to an alternative birth control pill that will help correct any hair problem areas.
We’ll associate certain genetic responses and body imbalances to women’s thinning hair. The stages of pregnancy followed by childbirth are inherently more likely the reason for thin hair patches in females. Certain medications either prescribed by your doctor or bought over-the-counter might explain negative shifts in hair regrowth too. Hair loss is most noticeable if your family carries a status for it. While plenty of factors can trigger it, women’s premature hair loss can be reversed.