Sunday, August 14, 2011

There are a lot of people who are looking for different methods as well as products that can help them make hair grow faster. While a few people talk to their friends about their hair fall issue, the others seek advice from hair specialists who can guide them about the suitable products to use in order to make hair grow quicker.

While some people prefer to go for the natural ways of increasing hair growth, others prefer to go for supplements and hair care products. Regardless of the methods a person selects, he should make it a point to check with a specialist who can advise the right products and names of companies where people can purchase the genuine products for enabling faster natural hair growth.

One thing that people should focus on is good eating habits. A good diet including iron, protein and vitamin C is the key to make hair grow faster and stronger. Individuals who can inculcate the routine of consuming food which include these essential vitamins and protein may be sure about the fact that they would soon be seeing visible changes in the speed at which their hair grows.

Many people who once thought that they cannot have good hair growth because of their genes will be pleased to know that in spite of having genetically weak hair, people are able to grow strong and healthy hair with the use of clinically proven ways of hair care. These days, science has progressed to such a level that even people with weak genes will be able to grow their hair well with the help of good hair care products and a balanced diet.

Those of you who know that your hair is genetically weak and are still seeking for ways to work on your hair texture to make hair grow faster, must be sure you pay a lot of attention to your diet. Those who pay attention to their diet are able to ensure that they can make up for their weak hair genes and they also learn to stop asking themselves how to make hair grow faster.

To make sure one follows healthy hair care practices, one should make sure they always dry their hair under the sun and do not use blow dryers to dry their hair. Besides drying their hair in natural sunlight, people should make sure they do not rub their hair too roughly using a towel because such practices of drying one’s hair are known to have harmful effects on hair growth. In addition to taking care of the hair by exposing it to natural sunlight as and when needed, one should be sure they never expose their hair to hot treatments and chemicals such as those used in hair dyes, straighteners, curlers, and perms.

The fundamental thing which people need to remember is that hair care and ways to grow hair faster are not something that can be achieved in a day or week, they are an ongoing process which requires committed and regular efforts from people who would like to have healthy and long hair.

Monday, August 8, 2011

It may seem strange to hear about a laser being used for hair regrowth but this type of treatment has been around for some time and was discovered accidentally by a scientist testing the effects of laser radiation on mice.

It was in 1967 soon after the first working laser was invented that Dr. Endre Mester at Semmelweis University in Hungary was carrying out research to see if laser radiation can cause cancer in mice. No cancers were found but what surprised him was that hair grew back much more quickly on a shaved test area of the mice than on the mice in an untreated group.

This effect called low level laser therapy (LLLT)—also known as photo-bio-modulation or photo-bio-stimulation or cold laser therapy—is now used for the treatment of hair regrowth.

Possibly due to the then high cost of laser technology, very little research was carried out over the two decades after the first experiments were conducted. During the 1980s, LLLT started becoming available as an expensive treatment through a number of exclusive hair clinics.

The lasers used were large complicated fixed devices where patients had to sit under a hood similar to a salon hair dryer. Treatments were performed as frequently as 2–3 times per week; this was often inconvenient for individuals who might have to travel many miles to the nearest clinic or salon. However, the results achieved were very good and soon many salons all over Europe, Asia, and later in the US began offering treatments.

This laser hair regrowth treatment has now been backed up as an effective hair loss treatment by many scientific studies. In 1982, Trelles M. and Mayayo E. published The Growth of Hair under Laser Influence of the HE-NE Beam. In this study, patients with alopecia areata responded with positive results after only 6–8 weeks of treatment, with 2 sessions per week. Later studies in the 1990s tested lasers working at different wavelengths and pulsing the laser to find the most effective laser configuration for treating hair loss.

Most therapeutic lasers now operate at a wavelength in the range of 600–1000nm where the wavelength is related to how far the light penetrates the scalp. The best wavelength to use is still argued over but it should be sufficient to penetrate at least 5–6mm depth to target the hair bulbs. Many current LLLT devices operate using visible red light at a wavelength of 660nm which can penetrate down to a depth of about 8–10mm. Higher wavelength lasers at 800–900nm are also used; these can penetrate to a depth of about 30–40mm but these are mainly used for treating joints and muscle-related problems.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

To a larger extent, women’s excessive hair loss is not as noticeable as men’s. But if you are a woman who is experiencing partial patterns of baldness or thinning of hair, a far more accurate medical diagnosis of what could be leading for the loss of some of hair could possibly be related to the following: pregnancy, medications, and birth control pills.

During pregnancy and childbirth, your body undergoes sudden hormonal changes which could ultimately cause excessive hair loss. The stages leading up from the delivery to the nursing of a newborn child can trigger a few other hormonal imbalances that bring about women’s hair thinning as a result. The lowering of estrogen levels throughout the entire body and a thyroid that is in over- or under-activity during pregnancy and childbirth are factors that result to excessive shedding of hair. These are merely possible genetic hormonal responses. Besides emotional stress and pains, there are other external-related factors, like certain medications that can also promote women’s premature hair loss.

Blood thinners, anti-depressants, thyroid medications, oral contraceptives, and fat-burning supplements have already been known to induce women’s excessive hair loss. Be leery about certain drugs and prescription medications. Simply knowing which drugs and prescriptions can hold any measure of uncomfortable side effects can help prevent and treat women’s hair thinning. While you consider the wide array of causes, it is wise to actually speak with your doctor first before you decide to stop taking any prescribed medications.

Being on the pill is really the most popular sort of birth control for females to date. But, is there any link to birth control to women’s thinning hair? Taking birth control pills is a medication and form of therapy which can cause your own body to undergo certain changes. If baldness does occur while you’re taking the pill, it’s good to talk with your gynecologist about switching to an alternative birth control pill that will help correct any hair problem areas.

We’ll associate certain genetic responses and body imbalances to women’s thinning hair. The stages of pregnancy followed by childbirth are inherently more likely the reason for thin hair patches in females. Certain medications either prescribed by your doctor or bought over-the-counter might explain negative shifts in hair regrowth too. Hair loss is most noticeable if your family carries a status for it. While plenty of factors can trigger it, women’s premature hair loss can be reversed.

Monday, July 25, 2011

So what happens when a person has trouble growing hair or suffers from hair loss? Your genes control how fast or how long your hair will grow. Some people have a “longer than usual” anagen growth period. These people may be able to grow more hair than the average person. However, others struggle to grow shoulder-length hair. These people have a “shorter than normal” anagen period.

Your health can also affect hair growth. Poor nutrition can cause some hair follicles to stop growing or cause the hairs that grow to become weak or thin. Problems with hair growth can result from thyroid problems or other conditions like anemia, diabetes and lupus. Health experts say people who experience a sudden increase in hair loss should seek medical advice.

Some hair loss can result from a combination of genetics, aging and hormones. When this happens, the hair growth cycle changes and the hair follicles get smaller. In addition, the hairs may get thinner and shorter. Soon the hairs stop growing completely on some parts of the head. People with this condition usually have family members who have experienced a similar type of hair loss. This kind of hair loss is known as pattern baldness. It is the most common kind of hair loss. The official medical term for the condition is androgenetic alopecia.

The Latin word alopecia means loss of hair or baldness. It is also the term used to describe the medical condition that results in the loss of hair. Alopecia areata is the second most common form of hair loss after pattern baldness. It is the most common form of autoimmune disease. In alopecia areata, the body’s defenses against disease attack the hair follicles, resulting in a loss of hair on the scalp and other parts of the body.

The condition usually begins with small round areas of hair loss on the scalp. When hair loss takes place over the whole surface of the scalp, it is called alopecia totalis. Sometimes a person may lose their eyebrows, eyelashes or hair on other parts of the body. This condition is called alopecia universalis. It is the rarest form of alopecia.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hey, baldy! Bet you’re tired of hearing that. The problem with losing your hair is everybody thinks they can make fun of you and make jokes about you. Those of us who have hair loss issues would never consider making fun of someone who is overweight for example. Can you imagine what would happen if you walked up to an overweight person and said, “Hey fatty”? That would be inconsiderate and just plain mean. But just about everybody on the planet thinks it’s fine to make bald jokes about men who are losing their hair.

Enough about the jokes, let’s start taking steps. It might be hard to admit, but cynicism was a natural reaction to the wide array of topical hair loss treatments available just about anywhere. Perhaps a few of us have tried going into a hair loss treatment for a few months. Of course, results weren’t sudden. But we decided to persist with the application of the treatment. Eventually, we notice a smaller amount of hair in the sink, shower drain, or in our brush.

With the use of organic-based hair loss products, hope for hair loss is to be found. Less hair in the hairbrush is to be noticed although hair regrowth may not be readily observed. Continuing the use of natural hair loss products needs dedication and sincerity from every hair loss sufferer.

Applying topical creams and serums that are formulated with natural ingredients such as extracts from saw palmetto, nettle, rosemary, and fennel can eventually provide the much-desired result of hair regrowth. Vigilant application of such hair loss products can even lead to gaining comments such as “What are you doing with your hair? You really look younger” or “How did you manage to regain your former mane?” Organic-based hair loss treatments can truly amaze us.

There are a lot of other solutions for hair loss. You can get plugs, which really don’t look normal. There are advertisements for those products, which show only the best results, not the average results. You can try a hair weave. Sure, these look like real hair. The problem with hair weaves is that they happen immediately. Then your friends will know you’re wearing a wig. The jokes will start all over again about your wig. So when you use a natural and steady way to hair restoration, you’ll be glad you did. It works for most people who really try it.

It is greatly encouraged that natural hair loss products be used because you have nothing to lose but your hair. They even have a no risks or harmful side effects. It works for approximately 80% of the people who try it. Chances are you will be one of them.
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